From my own experience, I was constantly wound up by what I was discovering and the passion that i wanted to tell those close to me. The only way i've become happy is to get through that period of time and then let it go. Sure from time to time I still get angry but on the whole I have moved away from the constant mental battle of it.
I accept that I can only be responsible for my own mind, and what I take into it etc. Should others approach me to ask me how I view things i'll be happy to say, but until then i'll not let myself be bothered by convincing others to see the light - usually a frustrating and pointless exercise. I've created a life outside of the old one, and therefore thats has become my past, not my future. Its has been an extremely painful experience to change my whole view on life and to be hurt by people over a choice i chose to make. Of course I made many big mistakes myself upon leaving finding my feet, but again i've learnt and moved on and forgiven myself.
I wish you well on the journey
CS 101